About Us


Where are you located on Galbraith rd?

We are located on Galbraith one block west of Colerain Ave. We are directly across the Street from Carstar.

How much are you paying for gold and silver?

This is a hard question to answer because gold and silver comes in so many different forms ( jewelry, coins, scrap etc.). All of our prices are based of the Spot (Market) price of gold and silver. The market prices can be found at goldprice.org.

Will I get market price for 1oz of 10k gold or 1oz of 14k gold?

Our prices are based on the market price of gold. But 10k and 14k are mixed gold contents. 10k is 41% pure gold mixed with other metals and 14k is 58% pure gold mixed with other metals. Gold trades on the market as 1oz of pure gold. So 1oz of 10k or 14k is a lot different than 1ozĀ  of pure .9999 gold.

How do I know if something is Gold or Silver?

The easiest way to tell is to bring in to us and let us look at it. We are experts so we can tell or find out very quickly usually in minutes. Here are some things you can do at home: Look for markings like 10k or 14k. Place your items on a magnet, gold or silver wont stick to a magnet.

Do you have ample security?

We have a Sheriff's deputy that works here everyday.

Do you take electronics?

We now take select electronics. Just give us a call or bring your item in.

Why is the price of my items different today than it was the other day?

Hopefully your price was more! But if it was less, the simple answer is that Gold, Silver, and Platinum trade all day like a stock does. So the price of the metals on Monday can be significantly different than it is on Friday of the same week. So as the metal prices change so does the price of your items.

How much are old gold class rings worth?

These items are bought by the weight of their gold. Please keep in mind, this answer is based at $1500 per oz of gold.

-Gold mens rings are typically $100-$300. But can be more.

-Gold womens ring are typically $30-$120. But can be more.

Do you pawn items?

We do now offer loans at both locations!

What is an FFL?

An FFL is a Federal Firearms License. These license are issued by the ATF and are required to do business as a gun store.